
The Rideshare Chroncle’s “Destination Destiny” Available Now

“Not today trouble. I am good with my own pendejadas!”

Frieda Lopez

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The Positive Power of Grief

The Positive Power of Grief      Grief, subsequently, is the most painful of all the emotions one can ever experience, as in many cases, grief is a byproduct of trauma. Grief is a universal feeling that occurs after a life-altering event. Not only can you experience grief after losing a loved one, but grief can occur…


WORKING ON MY NEXT NOVEL Today I am focusing on a novel that I have been avoiding, but now I am ready to write. The story will be categorized as fiction, about my grief journey and my role in caring for my Tia and Father on in-home hospice. In the interim, here is a snippet…


SPITE OF LOST SOULS A POEM BY: FRIEDA LOPEZ Lost souls drowned in the void of normality, quick to ridicule those with the brightest of light. In uncertainty and conformity through the uncertainty of oneself. Laugh through insecure ignorance of blindsight. A false sense of self gained through common knowledge, an epiphany that has not…


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The absolutely truth is something we all should be weary about. Not everyone is emotional ready for it. In many cases, it’s not meant for them to know what you know. It’s not a disservice, it’s saving their sanity.

Frieda Lopez

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