Psychology of Diligence

Diligence is something we hear about, but it’s not explained it feels. You hear “Do your due diligence” many times, but what does this really mean? Well the definition of diligence is as follows: careful and persistent work or effort. Where something I preach about, consistency goes hand and hand if you really think aboutContinue reading “Psychology of Diligence”

The Psychology of Temperance

We always hear about the seven deadly sins and it’s biased idealism , which doesn’t exempt the thoughts of temperance. Here is what you need to know about temperance.

Psychology of Kindness

It’s More Healthier Than You Think Happiness is something we all tend to strive for. But how do you know if you’re truly happy? One of the things that I came across while doing the research is surprisingly the kindness you give out to the world. It’s not that half ass fake kindness that youContinue reading “Psychology of Kindness”

Psychology of Humility

Humility is a compelling trait that I have ever gained in this journey. Let’s be real; life has made me humble in the adversity that I have experienced. However, not all stories are created equal as one of the conditioned things lI realized is that we often live in a past way that we likeContinue reading “Psychology of Humility”

Psychology of Charity

Charity is one of the instant gratifications that one gets when doing this genuinely out fo the kindness of your heart. Charity is something that changes you instantly as it’s a immediately good deed that you do. Do you recall that time that you saw someone who was without something they needed, and you helpedContinue reading “Psychology of Charity”

The Psychology of Chastity

Here is something to hold you over till I return back from NYC.

Like gluttony is associated with over eating, chastity is associated with virginity. However if chastity is preserving something that is pure in us, why not make the modern day chastity preserving your self worth. As let’s be real. That ship has gone and sailed a long time ago.

The Social Illusion of The Caste – A Short Story Essay

      As a teenager, I learned one thing early on in life.  Through a misconstrued idealism of optimism as a child, I learned the idealism of expecting the worst and hoping for the best.  The truth is, life for me was not a cakewalk as adversity has been an early acquaintance that I began toContinue reading “The Social Illusion of The Caste – A Short Story Essay”

The Chains of Conformity

A SHORT STORY ESSAY It’s been about three years since I have been fortunate to open my eyes to how the world can indeed be at many detrimental points in life. As cynical as this statement sounds, I say it in the most positive way I possibly can because it prepares me for what’s comingContinue reading “The Chains of Conformity”

The Psychology of Lust

Lust is defined as follows in a positive form of lust: a passionate desire for something. Where the negative form of lust is: a sensual appetite regarded as sinful. There is a healthy balance when it comes to Sin, as all sins are not as bad as they are perceived as balance is key. HumanContinue reading “The Psychology of Lust”

The Psychology of Desperation

We are fully moment of desperation in our lives. Feeling desperation comes from a need of change that we don’t get. Here’s what you need to know about desperation in the way you never should lose hope.

The Psychology of Wrath

One thing that is very apparent is that in society, we tend to over dramatize things. Am I right? Problems seem bigger than what they seem, but when we resolve it, we think why was I being so dramatic about it? If you are still in denial then you haven’t learn a damn thing, asContinue reading “The Psychology of Wrath”

The Psychology of Fear

Fear is something we all have. The fear of the unknown, the fear of death, fear of spiders; however it’s fear that also stops from becoming the people we truly come up as fear of success if more common than we would like to admit. Did you ever have a situation that you told yourself,Continue reading “The Psychology of Fear”

The Psychology of Sloth

Sloth is referenced to the act of laziness. Which is far from the true meaning of this sixth deadly sin. Sloth’s true definition is the act of reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness. Which entitlement is the key to this Sin if you think about it. We live in a world where weContinue reading “The Psychology of Sloth”

The Psychology of Pride

Pride is a revolving door of sin. But what is the real fear that this sin stemmed from. Here’s what you need to know about sinful pride.

The Psychology of Envy

Envy is the one sin we all committed . But why do we feel envious of people? And what are the dangers of envy. One being discrimination. Here is The Psychology of Envy.

The Psychology of Greed

In society, greed is the enabled behavior that makes deceives one’s vision from being to selfless to selfish that we all have demonstrated once or twice in our lives. Here is the psychology of greed and how to stop this first seven deadly sin.

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