The Positive Power of Grief

The Positive Power of Grief      Grief, subsequently, is the most painful of all the emotions one can ever experience, as in many cases, grief is a byproduct of trauma. Grief is a universal feeling that occurs after a life-altering event. Not only can you experience grief after losing a loved one, but grief can occurContinue reading “The Positive Power of Grief”


CHANGE IS THE ART OF ADAPTATION A POEM BY: FRIEDA LOPEZ Change is the art of adaptation through a world, a reality that we live that begins to go stagnant. History repeats through the haunting of ancient curses, hope becomes a relic; fossilized in fragments. Fear blinds the heart through centuries of oppression, an influenceContinue reading “CHANGE IS THE ART OF ADAPTATION”

The Idolized Prophet

The Idolized Prophet By: Frieda Lopez Motivated by fear and insecurity from a painful past; the prophet capitalizes on the weary soul of sinners. Indulging in popularity and fortune from their ivory tower. Addiction in sin from a heart so broken and bitter. Preaching the words of Thy Father, with ration and intent, spinning theContinue reading “The Idolized Prophet”

The Tragic Beauty of my Life Awakening

Before this beautiful and tragic “life awakening,” I use to be highly insecure. Before I go into the description, let me emphasize the “beautiful and tragic” part about the life awakening. The reason why it’s tragic is that you begin to see things how they are. The misperception about people and the world around youContinue reading “The Tragic Beauty of my Life Awakening”

Day 10 of Quarantine- My Bittersweet Recovery

Today was the first day I woke up feeling 100% like myself today. The weird thing was today, since being diagnosed with COVID, I did something that I haven’t done since I was infected with the virus, which was waking up on my original schedule. Before catching COVID, I would wake up at 6 amContinue reading “Day 10 of Quarantine- My Bittersweet Recovery”

Day 9 of Quarantine- Almost To Complete Recovery

Today I woke up almost feeling like myself, as today I woke up with a sore chest. I am assuming that it’s from the coughing that occurred these last eight days. But the refreshing feeling that I got this morning was relief and comfort as I’ve made it to recovery without infecting anyone in theContinue reading “Day 9 of Quarantine- Almost To Complete Recovery”

Day 8 of Quarantine – Heading Towards Full Recovery

Today is a breath of fresh air, literally. Today is the first day I stopped gasping for air. Which at first was a constant occurrence when I first got it. Which in the beginning reminded me of the martial art days years ago when I would get the wind knocked out of me. Today, IContinue reading “Day 8 of Quarantine – Heading Towards Full Recovery”

Day 7 with COVID – The Official Recovery

Yesterday I had a follow up with the doctor, and according to the doctor. The worst is finally over. I was starting to lose taste which is slowly returning, but I’m not going to lie. It was kind of an extraordinary experience to have. The fascinating thing about not tasting was how my body andContinue reading “Day 7 with COVID – The Official Recovery”

Day 4 with COVID Quarantine

So as being a writer, everything becomes writing material. I decided to make my COVID quarantine a blog as many people are curious about how this feels. Which is the widespread consensus on the fear that people have of this pandemic, seeming to be that the majority gain denial and resentment. As many rationalize withContinue reading “Day 4 with COVID Quarantine”

Come At Me Bruh, Scared B**ch! – The Truth In Toxic Intimidation

Come At Me Bruh, Scared B**ch! The Truth About Toxic Intimidation Is it Intimidation? No It’s Faux! Victim culture encourages the act of codependency and entitled behaviors full of bias and immoral standards and beliefs. It begins to promote behaviors in personal gain to become normalized. Thus creating a new subculture of enabling behavior inContinue reading “Come At Me Bruh, Scared B**ch! – The Truth In Toxic Intimidation”

Effective Ways To Overcome Self-Doubt and Uncertainty

And Avoid repeating the same mistakes Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn what makes us creatures of habit Remember when you were a kid and were told never to touch the stove? What was the first thing you did? Knowing that many in denial and ego will deny theContinue reading “Effective Ways To Overcome Self-Doubt and Uncertainty”

How To Detain Your Ghost of Insecurity Past

In psychosexual development, which is the basis that creates our IDs. We begin to use our unconscious minds to make decisions based on experiences and other factors in our thought process and decision-making. When faced with certain situations, our defense mechanism begins to take over, relying on the pleasure principle, which can replace these undesirable feelings. During my moment of feeling insufficient, doubtful, hopeless, and felt lost control, one of the common things relied one

The Ghost of Insecurity Past

The Ghost of Insecurity Past Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn How I avoided the act of self-sabotage from a conditioned trigger response One of the things that I realized when writing the book is that we are all creatures of habits. I know that we all have heardContinue reading “The Ghost of Insecurity Past”

Rolling with the Punches of Life

First and foremost, hello again and welcome back. Sorry for my little hiatus these past few weeks. I was prepping and acting, working as a directing assistant for a trending film in Europe for an upcoming movie named Ombre Ma Fi. This opened me to a new venture just by allowing myself to experience thisContinue reading “Rolling with the Punches of Life”

Pain Turned Beauty to Productivity – Behavioral Addictions Exposed

Many people have a coping mechanism, which is a normal and common thing. While many turn to the stigmatized behavioral addiction. The most common, unnoticed is the over productivity and being a workaholic. Here is my story.

Yoga Special

All you need to know about yoga