The Idolized Prophet

The Idolized Prophet By: Frieda Lopez Motivated by fear and insecurity from a painful past; the prophet capitalizes on the weary soul of sinners. Indulging in popularity and fortune from their ivory tower. Addiction in sin from a heart so broken and bitter. Preaching the words of Thy Father, with ration and intent, spinning theContinue reading “The Idolized Prophet”

The Tragic Beauty of my Life Awakening

Before this beautiful and tragic “life awakening,” I use to be highly insecure. Before I go into the description, let me emphasize the “beautiful and tragic” part about the life awakening. The reason why it’s tragic is that you begin to see things how they are. The misperception about people and the world around youContinue reading “The Tragic Beauty of my Life Awakening”

Day 10 of Quarantine- My Bittersweet Recovery

Today was the first day I woke up feeling 100% like myself today. The weird thing was today, since being diagnosed with COVID, I did something that I haven’t done since I was infected with the virus, which was waking up on my original schedule. Before catching COVID, I would wake up at 6 amContinue reading “Day 10 of Quarantine- My Bittersweet Recovery”

Day 4 with COVID Quarantine

So as being a writer, everything becomes writing material. I decided to make my COVID quarantine a blog as many people are curious about how this feels. Which is the widespread consensus on the fear that people have of this pandemic, seeming to be that the majority gain denial and resentment. As many rationalize withContinue reading “Day 4 with COVID Quarantine”

My COVID battle is getting worst……

Sorry I have been out of touch, and for good reason. As COVID has hindered my ability to write a full blog. With the stabbing pains, the consistent headache, and the constant stomach issues it has inducing. Not to mention the sharp pains and the difficulty in breathing it’s inducing as well. Considering that I’mContinue reading “My COVID battle is getting worst……”

Stuck In the Middle – How to Handle Those With Negative Behavioral Patterns

With a very symbolic day, I thought i would share some advice to help you with your resurrection if you choose to go through one of your own. Happy Easter to those who celebrate it.

Goodbye 2020 Thanks For The Pendejadas

Although this is a previous post back, I thought I would share with you what I learned in the past year.

Why Altruism is Much Needed In the World

November 12, 2020, is the day I will never forget. As I realize this was available resolved all of my internalize issues. It was about 9:15 in the morning when I ended up seeing something that just triggered a reaction. I was driving up on Hillcrest Drive reaching the intersection of Cheryl when I endedContinue reading “Why Altruism is Much Needed In the World”

The Common Behavioral Patterns To Look For

When I think of behavioral patterns, I think of the Matrix as the movie’s basis is on the idealism that we are all programmed to be a certain way not to disrupt the Matrix. But if you think about it, it holds a little truth. If you look at social norms and how people engageContinue reading “The Common Behavioral Patterns To Look For”

A Million Reasons To A Perfect Illusion

Here is an oldie but a goodie.

How the Ugly Duckling Turned into Phoenix – Embracing the Flaws and All

in honor of being put into the Barnes and Noble’s family, I thought it would be appropriate to reintroduced the “Scenic Route to the Journey of an Unraveled Road.”

Problems that Want to Be Solved – The Truth Behind Self Preservation

in honor of being put into the Barnes and Noble’s family, I thought it would be appropriate to reintroduced the “Scenic Route to the Journey of an Unraveled Road.”

Why Do We Fail to See the Big Picture – And the Repercussions that Follow

One of the biggest pet peeves I developed over my years of life is people talking about “living life day by day.” I will tell you why that has become one of my pet peeves, which if I am going to be transparent about it. It became a trigger response as it reminded me ofContinue reading “Why Do We Fail to See the Big Picture – And the Repercussions that Follow”

Problems That Increased In Turning A Blind Eye

As stocism is one of the thing I possess when it comes to dealing with adversity. And in those lessons, I gain knowledge, forgive, become grateful, take accountability, apologize in hurting those who I have along the way, always aim to do the right thing, give a helping hand when I can, have empathy, andContinue reading “Problems That Increased In Turning A Blind Eye”

The Bystander Effect started off their article with the perfect introduction to their publication “What Is Bystander Effect?” which is as follows: If you witnessed an emergency happening right before your eyes, you would certainly take some sort of action to help the person in trouble, right? While we might all like to believe that this isContinue reading “The Bystander Effect”

Manipulation Tactics Used by Abusers

Manipulation happens to us all. Whether it be in personal relationships, work relationships, and romantic relationships. You are not alone, which is why I included this video in starting this blog with Black Shadows’ personal experience in the situation. Manipulators come from all over, believer it or not, which many in denial will say thatContinue reading “Manipulation Tactics Used by Abusers”

Yoga Special

All you need to know about yoga