Rolling with the Punches of Life

First and foremost, hello again and welcome back. Sorry for my little hiatus these past few weeks. I was prepping and acting, working as a directing assistant for a trending film in Europe for an upcoming movie named Ombre Ma Fi. This opened me to a new venture just by allowing myself to experience thisContinue reading “Rolling with the Punches of Life”

Pain Turned Beauty to Productivity – Behavioral Addictions Exposed

Many people have a coping mechanism, which is a normal and common thing. While many turn to the stigmatized behavioral addiction. The most common, unnoticed is the over productivity and being a workaholic. Here is my story.

The Art of Turning Trauma Into Creativity

You would be surprised how the expression of creativity is the best therapy to come to terms with things that were out of your control, but also. Can make an amazing expression of inspiration for those still attempting to cope with it.

The Bittersweet Lessons of Trauma

In many cases trauma breaks us, but what if I told you that once you go through the emotions of grief in trauma, and once you come to terms in resolving it. It can make you the most courageous and unstoppable force you never knew existed.

Stuck In the Middle – How to Handle Those With Negative Behavioral Patterns

With a very symbolic day, I thought i would share some advice to help you with your resurrection if you choose to go through one of your own. Happy Easter to those who celebrate it.

Everything Wrong In Seeking Acceptance

The ironic part of seeking acceptance is once we are in a place of inferiority. We forget who we have been and what took us to get there. The truth is, we begin to shun those from our past to avoid the truths of the lies we caste in the perception we become. We begin to engage in bad behavior in paranoia and the unresolved issues we haven’t resolved. Where in the face of avoiding transparency and accountability. The feeling of acceptance subsides. As those who we surround ourselves, would never accept us for the person we use to be. Having us learn a valuable lesson, which was inflicted by karma.

The Problems In Culturalism

The destructive behaviors we gained in hypothetically learned behavior through culturalism. Here’s what you should know.

Why I Said Goodbye To The Yellow Brick Road

Doing the same damn thing everyone does thinking they are going to get a better result of it. Truth of the matter was that in every scenario I was always brought down from grace from someone who was intimidated by me in one way shape or form. Frieda Lopez – Why I Said Goodbye ToContinue reading “Why I Said Goodbye To The Yellow Brick Road”

How Freedom Rediscovered Made Me Hella Strong

That their loyalties to me would prove otherwise. But one reality that we don’t realize. Is when the odds are against the majority, and everything is at stake. Those loyalties will never be intact. As the truth is, it’s a dog eat dog world. Frieda Lopez – How Freedom Rediscovered Made Me Hella Strong EveryoneContinue reading “How Freedom Rediscovered Made Me Hella Strong”

COVID Depression – How COVID-19 Brought the Worst Out Society

Which many will not question the turn of events for many reasons. Some because of the fact that it doesn’t affect them. Other’s because they are hardcore followers and believe everything that they are hearing. Others because they refuse to see the reality of what’s going around in the world around them. Not seeing thoseContinue reading “COVID Depression – How COVID-19 Brought the Worst Out Society”

Why Do We Live In Assumption?

One of the things that we do in our everyday society is assumptions, where we assume someone’s situation, feelings, motives, intentions, etc. The term “Karen” is an iconic name for those who believe a political view and entitlement drive the worst. Which many of those people living in denial about the world around them. AndContinue reading “Why Do We Live In Assumption?”

A Million Reasons To A Perfect Illusion

Here is an oldie but a goodie.

The Psychology of Temperance

We always hear about the seven deadly sins and it’s biased idealism , which doesn’t exempt the thoughts of temperance. Here is what you need to know about temperance.

The Social Illusion of The Caste – A Short Story Essay

      As a teenager, I learned one thing early on in life.  Through a misconstrued idealism of optimism as a child, I learned the idealism of expecting the worst and hoping for the best.  The truth is, life for me was not a cakewalk as adversity has been an early acquaintance that I began toContinue reading “The Social Illusion of The Caste – A Short Story Essay”

The Chains of Conformity

A SHORT STORY ESSAY It’s been about three years since I have been fortunate to open my eyes to how the world can indeed be at many detrimental points in life. As cynical as this statement sounds, I say it in the most positive way I possibly can because it prepares me for what’s comingContinue reading “The Chains of Conformity”

Yoga Special

All you need to know about yoga